CNC Milling
CNC Milling
On the milling side we have AXA VHC 50-3000 M as the most advanced machine. The machine is equipped with a 4 ton turning table with table diameter of 1.250 mm and possibility of turn/mill function up to 1.500 mm turning diameter. The machine have 78 turning and milling tools in the ATC system and is also equipped with 2 U axis tools for turning off center operations.
We have also 3 and 4 axis machines covering the area 1.500 x 800 x 900 mm.
Contact us
For further information regarding Hein & Sønner A/S and our competitive services.
Contact Martin Stapelfeld or Kurt Stilling
Phone: +45 86 42 92 66
Axis X-Y-Z-B-C-W
Max. Swing over bed: 920 mm
Max. turning diameter: 920 mm
Max. turning length: 4000 mm
Max. spindle speed: 1000 o/min
Max. effect: 6300 NM/45 KW
Long Boringbar:
ø100x ca. 800
ø80x ca. 900
Programmerbar pinoldok and goggle (ø215-ø510)
Fully 5 axis
XYZ: 1025x650x4000 mm
C: 360 gr.
B: 240 gr (+210gr -30gr)
Max. spindle speed: 5000 o/min.
Max. effect: 550 NM/37 KW
Tools: 80 stk. Capto C8
Renishaw RMP60
AXA VHC 50-3000 M
Axis X-Y-Z-B-C-U
XYZ: 3000x900x1000 mm
C (Turning table ø1250): Fully controlled
B: +- 90 grader
U axis: +- 37,50 mm
Main spindle SK50: 57 KW / 540 NM
Turning table (spindle): 35 KW / 4700 NM
Max. turning: 1500 mm
Tools: 60 stk. SK50
Turning tool: 18 stk Capto
Renishaw RMP60
Coordinate movements: 1160x890x690 mm
“Read out” (Heidenhahn Digital)
Kao Ming HV700
Horizontal/Vertical: 1050x800x900 mm
Palette size: 700×700 mm
Max. tool length: 380 mm
Renishaw Probe: 60 værktøjer
Fadal VMC-4020
Horizontal area: 1016x508x508 mm
Incl. 4 axis (turning table VH65)
Kao Ming 1500-V
Vertical: 1530x750x800 mm
Table size: 1700×750 mm
Max. tool length: 350 mm
Renishaw Probe: 32 værktøjer
Incl. 4 axis: 400 mm rundbord
Chiron FZ 12
Vertical area: 550x300x280 mm